Marie-Claire Biard
draws us into a riot of warm and coppered shades close to the Caribbean earth. Nothing alarming, just deep and gleaming color.
Her shimmering tones are revealed only in natural, gentle light, the colors subtly shifting from morning to night, developing the extraordinary range of the artists conception.
Acknowledged pastel master in her early career, portraitist, MCB has discovered the ideal medium for her unique and dynamic brush. She is a virtuoso of both sketch and structure.
Within the Caribbean islands, the stakes involved with local and cultural identity are keenly felt by all the residents. These conflictual ethics within both the French Caribbean and South Sea islands have drawn Marie-aire Biard to these magic places and are an inspirational source for her.
She holds a deep affection for Martinique.
Fiercely passionate for these « other » French ; their culture and their way of life, have become second nature for MCB. She refines a natural force from these magical elements.
Artist of Creole femininity
"Admire these women pictured in the exultant brevity of their youth, seen with their majestic dignity, at the same time object and subject of all our wonder. Behind the dark waters of their gaze, there «are the burning scars of history, memories of generations of women whose only fault was that of being black and whose only possibility of redemption, to be comely»
Marie Reine de Jaham
Women rendered with Marie-Claire Biard’s brush are endowed with great dignity and pride.
Further to these considerations,Marie Claire Biard attempts to bring to Caribbean feminine conditions a new scrutiny. Realistic womens conditions seem to be far from those they deserve …
Creole feminine plasticity is a constant current within her artistic inspiration. Nudity, far from being an erotic expression, is raised as a symbol of fragile nature. Their enigmatic gaze also disturbs ...
A celebration of nature
Within the works of Marie Claire Biard, the actors, imaginary, live in harmony with their environment, in their gardens, with their wildlife … The artist is profoundly influenced by the tumultuous Martinique flora and particularly by the Balata Gardens.
She has created a sumptuous painted mural of riotous vegetation for the new decoration of the Rhumerie in Paris, in hommage to Philippe Thoze.
In the backdrop her subtle regard has harmoniously weaved tropical plants and flowers with her unique coloration.
« I think that my paintings represent mainly a step towards others, a meaningful encounter » Her work invites above all a profound respect for their differences.
Her technique is mostly acrylic on canvas. She produces also a series of aquarelle travel illustrations for the press.
MCB is also ready to accept specific individual projects.
Recent exhibitions :
Salon de Ballancourt 91.
La Rhumerie, Bd Saint Germain, Paris.
Chez Babette de Rosières. Saint germain en Laye
Chez Christian de Montaguère Paris , Carnets Barbade.
Books : carnets Marie Galante, Ste Lucie, La vie de la Banane .
Her works can be viewed in private collections, in France and world wide.
Galerie des Tropiques Papeete.
Médaille de vermeil de la ville de Paris
Certificat de Distinction de l’AIAP
(Association internationale des arts plastiques) auprès de l’UNESCO
Différents prix du public
Membre de la fondation Taylor.